Cancer is an ailment that we are yet to overcome totally. Some types can be defeated, but there are some that are just simply tough to beat. It costs a lot to battle this illness, and there is no guarantee that we will win. So we can only put our hopes on science to find new ways to defeat it.
Fortunately, science in today’s modern world isn’t that bad. We are finding new ways to do things, and we are also finding new ways to treat life-threatening illnesses, like cancer. Usually, these things are tested on animals first, and in Brisbane, a perfect candidate to test the new cancer treatment was found.
This pup is Griffin. He is an important member of the Johnson family, and months ago, he almost said goodbye to his family, as Griffin was diagnosed with cancer. When he got an operation to get the tumor removed, eleven more lumps were found in his body. Dr. Annika Oksa shared that the pooch was given three months to live.
Griffin had an extremely aggressive type of cancer, and at first, it looked like the end was near for this lovely pup, until they thought of trying a new procedure on him. Griffin’s dad, Adam Johnson, was running out of options, and the experimental treatment was their last hope.
Basically, tissue from the tumor was extracted from Griffin’s body, and it was used to create a vaccine. When the vaccine was ready, they injected it back into the pup. After eight weeks, all of the tumors from Griffin’s body were gone. The treatment was a massive success!
This case could lead to a breakthrough in treating cancer. However, further testing needs to be done on animals, and then perhaps a human cancer patient could be the subject in the future. For Adam and his children, they are just happy that they still got their fur baby with them.
Credits: ABC News (Australia)